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COVID-19 – Toolrooms & Tool Kits

This is installment #5 of our "Stop the Spread" series.
For large construction projects the toolroom is a critical area for any successful jobsite. It is also a key area where social distancing and disinfecting is now being managed much more closely. Below are our suggestions to limit interaction of those waiting to be issued product, protecting the health and safety of workers in the toolroom, disinfecting product upon receipt, and keeping jobsites productive while new procedures are put in place.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, inventory status is rapidly changing.
Toolroom Lines (Social Distancing)
On many jobsites, tool "cribs" act as the main point of issue for many consumable and reusable products. Naturally, these areas become places where workers congregate. We suggest applying the same practices as other gathering areas. Signage, spacing indicators, and PPE can all help mitigate the risk of spread while workers wait in line at the toolroom.
Keeping Toolroom Attendants and Workers Safe
Toolroom attendants are in a high-risk situation as they may interact with hundreds of workers in a single day. They are both prone to getting sick and prone to passing along their infection. Consider taking extra measures to ensure their well-being and additional screenings to prevent the spread of COVID-19. PPE such as face masks or face shields, disposable gloves, or even clear plastic partitions can help limit contact.
Returned Tools and the Toolroom Counter (Disinfecting)
In some instances, tools and product will return to the toolroom to be reissued in the future. Studies suggest COVID-19 can live on surfaces for hours or even days in some cases. As a best practice, consider disinfecting any item that comes back to the toolroom before reissuing. Be sure to use product that meets the EPA's list of approved disinfectants for killing COVID-19 and be sure to follow the instructions for the safe application of that product. Regularly disinfect any shared surfaces such as tool counters or storage areas as well.
Tool Kits and Inventory (Returning to Work and Speeding Lines)
Whether continuing to work or coming back to work, we know the new policies and procedures can lead to long lines at the toolroom and limited productivity. Tool kits can be a great way to help with both problems. P&I can supply "return to work" PPE kits, craft specific tool kits, and treat a kit as a single SKU for easy ordering and delivering it ready to issue.
P&I carries all the items craft workers wear, hold, or consume in a day. Just contact our sales team using the info below.
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