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COVID-19 – Hand Sanitizers & Dispensing

This is installment #3 of our "Stop the Spread" series.
Since the onset of COVID-19, supplies of hand sanitizer have been in incredibly short supply. Traditional brands flew off the shelf and since then new producers have stepped in to meet demand. P&I has been successful in securing steady supply of hand sanitizer that meets FDA, CDC, and WHO guidelines. While bulk supplies of sanitizer are becoming more readily available, the linchpin for a successful jobsite will be the roll-out of product directly to the user.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, inventory status is rapidly changing.
New! Personal Hand Sanitizer Bottles
P&I has recently acquired pre-filled, 4oz personal hand sanitizer bottles with flip top lids. This is ideal for issuing to craft on the jobsite, emergency personnel on the front lines, or employees in the office.
Reusable and Refillable
However, with the crunch on dispensing options, P&I recommends that the above 4oz bottles be reused and refilled – the supply for the bottles and especially dispensing tops is more limited than the supply of the hand sanitizer.
Fortunately, P&I can also offer gallon refills of sanitizer sold in the case or pallet, along with refill pumps that can be used for ease of transfer to smaller personal bottles.
Using gallon jugs, jobsites can create low-contact refill stations throughout the jobsite to ensure workers have access to a ready supply to keep their personal bottles filled. This practice will ensure adherence to company or site safety polices. These refill stations could be set up with barricade chain, marking tape, and custom signage to maintain social distancing and efficiently move craft through the refilling process.
Other Dispensing Options
In addition to the recommendation above, P&I has several solutions that may fit your needs as well.
We also have 32oz bottles of sanitizer, good for shared areas, unlabeled empty bottles to pair with bulk product, and multiple screw-on pump options.
Soap and Water
Don’t forget! While hand sanitizer is a good back up, the CDC still recommends washing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap as the first and best option to stop the spread.
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